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The Anti-terror Religion We all come into the world clean. Open minds eager to learn and absorb all of life. The unfortunate thing, and the cause of most of man’s worldly grief, is that there is no accurate filter, no magical divining rod to allow us to immediately ascertain absolute truth. We are first seized by parental teachings, and later by values absorbed from the society around us, and by the teachings of our schools and religious institutions. The individual must decide which teachings he believes, and which should be cast off as untrue. The learning process isn’t easy and there are many pitfalls and mental traps for the unwary. Among the most sticky is religion, which by its nature, doesn’t lend itself to free personal interpretation, and often asks one to accept on faith that which one is taught. Next to religion, societal values offer the most difficult challenge to free and independent thought, as we are constantly bombarded by the opinions of our peers, and the powers that be. Books, newspapers, and the media, are largely a reflection of the popular sentiment of the moment, and can’t be trusted for content, but only used as a barometer of public pressures. So how does one become an accurate thinker? How does the individual guard oneself from the disease of sympathetic logic; prevent one from being just another maddened mind in the herd? A million Nazis came from otherwise normal, average men. Earlier in history, Indian fathers inducted their sons into the murderous Thuggee cult. We are now engaged in the third world war, a war for the minds of the people. This is not a new thought, and it was predicted decades ago or longer, although not clearly defined. Certainly, many didn’t see it coming in the current context. The possibility of modern society being gripped by a terror caused by ideas as primitive as those held by Muslim fundamentalists never seemed very plausible a decade ago. But it’s here now, and the seeds of evil, twisted ideas rife with non sequitur, have been planted worldwide and are growing. Terror seems to have become the modus operandi of choice of an untold number of groups. Organized threats to civilization seem to be sprouting up like mushrooms, magnified by the looming threat of weapons of mass murder. It makes one wonder what can be done. Ideas are like viruses implanted into the minds of men. Some are benign, even beneficial, such as: “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you”. Some are malevolent, such as: “Kill Jews”, or “Give death to those who are not for Islam”. The fundamentalists invoke god, stating that he is on their side, and they call for “Holy Jihad”. One only need look at the faces of the enraged masses chanting, to be reminded of another time, when torches lit the night and storm troopers goose-stepped down the streets waving swastika banners. Religious fervor is a hard thing to argue against, and perhaps one shouldn’t. But there is only one universal religion, which ultimately must guide man. It is the religion of individualism. It is the religion that is inexorably a part of every clean conscious mind that is born into this world. It is that which rules, before the viruses of societal ideas infect the tutelary genius that is instilled in us all at birth. This religion demands the maximum growth and realization of potential of each human being. It is referred to implicitly in the American Declaration of Independence as “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. There are no gay rights, no women’s rights, and no minority rights. There are only the rights of the individual. If the rights of the individual are protected, all else follows automatically. All religions must be subservient to the one universal religion of individualism. That is the litmus test of their legitimacy. Any religion, any government, any group or agency that would harm the rights of the individual is immediately illegitimate and must be nullified. Therefore it follows, that any agency, sect, or person which promotes or practices murder or violence, or which constricts the growth of the individual, negates its own right to exist. That is an absolute truth and as close to a magical divining rod as one may acquire to hand to the youth of the world. To paraphrase Emerson, a country is only as good as the man it produces. That is how a system must be judged. We must teach each generation the religion of individualism. The legitimacy of all else will then be more easily divined. The seeds we must plant in Iraq and elsewhere should intrinsically have nothing to do with western society and values, but instead, must be those seeds that foster the only true religion of man, the religion of individualism. We must do that by proceeding as we have begun, by removing the yoke of oppression and promoting freedom, and by building schools that all may attend. We will thus make a fertile soil for the growth of the individual where a dictator and his kind made a desert. In one generation, a new light can be made to rise and shine in the Middle East, just as surely as in Europe, where in one generation the dark night of Nazism descended so quickly, only to be finally replaced by freedom. Don’t be misled by croakers, nor be fooled by early successes. The evil seeds that have been planted throughout the world, indeed, even in Europe, will try to bloom, and they must be destroyed wherever they pop up, just as the Thugs of India were rooted out in a previous century. And sadly, even among our own forces, where systemic failure causes some few to break the law, we must be resolute and take quick decisive action. But from Iraq to Chechnya, to the still unknown battles to come, this world war can be the last. It can be the war of final enlightenment, where no segment of the globe is left to fester, and the promise of the future can be brought to every country. We needn’t have the Iraqi people like us to win. Nor do they need adopt a mirror image of western-styled democracy. We only need to give them the tools to win for themselves. We are doing that. We are helping to restore a degree of normalcy in their lives, and moving forward to a point where they can be restored to self-governance, freed from dictators and self- serving evil clerics alike. Religious freedom, and all freedoms will ring, by promoting the one universal religion of individualism. That is the greatest gift that we can give to the children of the world, and it is the best way to safeguard our own security. Michael P. Sakowski Baltimore May 11, 2004 |
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